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Secrets of Breeding R I Red Type in Bantams
By Robert Blosl
I have often wondered why it was so much easier to breed large fowl Rhode Island Reds for Standard type than
Red bantams. I don’t know if it’s because the founding fathers that made the early Red Bantams by Crossing Rhode
Island Red large fowl onto Cochin and Old English Bantams to shrink these large fowl birds down to make a normal Red Bantam
is the reason. Or by using the Cochin Bantams in the 1930’s the current bantam today wants to revert back to the original type bantams of
the 1930s which had elevated top lines and where loose feathered. Never the less the challenge is to try to have a small brick
shaped oblong body, tight feathered Rhode Island Red Bantam that weights 34 ounces for a cock bird and 30 ounces for a hen
at eighteen months of age. It also appears over the years that only about 5 % of the Rhode Island Red Bantam breeders each
year can accomplish and mange correct Standard type on their Red Bantams. You may think that this is a very low number of
only 5 breeders out of 100, but it is a very difficult breed of bantam to maintain IDEAL Standard Type. Is it the curse of
the Cochin Bantam genes that was used to make early day Red Bantams that causes so many Red breeders to loose the oblong shape
and revert back to an undesirable style of Red Bantam? In this article
I will try to reveal some of the secrets passed down by breeders from yesteryears who where masters of this dual purpose variety
of bantams.
When studying the standard of perfection the Rhode Island Reds body and stern should be long, broad, and moderately
deep. The bantam should have a long straight keel bone extended well forward, giving the Rhode Island Red Bantam’s body
an oblong appearance or “Brick Shape”. The back should be long, modernity
broad its entire length, carried horizontally, blending into the tail. The males tail is suppose to be medium in length well
spread, carried at an angle of only 10 degrees above horizontal plane. The female’s tail is to be carried at 20 degree
angle and on a horizontal plane. The Red Bantams Main tail feathers
are to be broad and overlapping. Standard does state it is a defect and undesirable for a Rhode Island Red Bantam to have
a top line like a Wyandotte or New Hampshire and should be cut heavily in the show room.
Today we are starting to see red bantams especially females that are short in body, deep in body and are odd and unnatural
in shape. The females have lost their flat top line and oblong body appearance which is the classic type of the Rhode Island
Red which no other bantam shares. If you don’t have the body long in length you won’t have the brick shape.
The standard states this unappealing Red Bantam with the above faults has major defects and should be cut heavily
in the show room by the ABA judges.
Breeding Secrets: The
secret to breeding Rhode Island Red Bantams is to have long bodies which are twice as long as the bird’s depth. The
legs need to be dead center giving the bantam total balance supporting their body. Next, breed for a medium width of feather,
when you put breeding pressure on your bantams to have wide feathers, you are bringing in the Cochin genes that were made
to produce the Red Bantam in the 1930s. Also, you will have a loose feathered bird and quite possibly you will see birds with
stubs. Do not keep or breed from females that have top lines like a Wyandotte or a New Hampshire. This is a major defect and
is undesirable in the breeding pen and the show room. Look for bantams that are fast feathering, early developing birds just
as we do in our large fowl. The next secret for breeding type is in the female. If you can get the females type as close to
the standard as you possibly can, you will also have males with long oblong brick shaped bodies which is classic look we are
all looking for. You need to weigh your bantams and try to get the hens as close to the 30 ounces as possible. Remember the
secret to having a Standard typed Rhode Island Red bantam is more in the female than the male.
It should be the responsibly of the Rhode Island Red breeder to obey the Standard of Perfection when selecting his or her
bantams for breeding and when bringing their Red Bantams to the show. On the other hand, it’s the ABA judge’s
responsibility to review the total birds in the class and select the best specimen not in comparison to the class he or she
is judging, but to the ideals of the Standard of Perfection. Our forefathers of the Rhode Island Red Club of America for over
80 years followed the standard instructions when they showed there Red Bantams and so should we. Please help bring back the classic brick shape type that has made our Red Bantams well know between breeders,
exhibitors and judges. Breed by the Standard of Perfection, live by the Standard
Perfection and Judge by the Standard of Perfection that is the Secret to developing a great strain of Rhode Island Red Bantams.