Hit this link below and you will see a spot that says The Winter 2008 Newsletter in PDF Format-Click here hit this and it will take you to our wonderful newsletter. Its substance is from its contribuators. With out these
wonderful caring District Directors and Officers you could not have a good newsletterlike this. We are so blessed to have
such great Poultrymen and Poultry Women in our club. That is based on the breed and how the breed attracks such people. This
was a historic newsletter for us. The credit for the lay out for the newsletter is my wife Zora and her computer skills.
She made to news letters one for the internet and one for the post office to go to your home.My part is only the Vision of
the newsletter.What I see in my minds eye as a breeder is just what I saw for a newsletter. My part is to ask for help and
to receive the articles from the officers and District Directors. Help I got like I never seen befor. Next question is what
articles would you like to see for the next issue and future articles? This has my mind working right now. If you have suggestions
or questions on breeding, conditioning, rearing that you would like addressed email me at katz@gulftel.com
You can benifit by being a member of this club even if you do not raise Plymonth Rocks. What we preach will work for
you if you raise Leghorns, Reds, Brahmas, Rose Combs or even Water Fowl. When we talk Plymonth Rocks in your minds eye put
in your favorite breed. We want to help all of you regardless what breed you raise. Thanks for all your comments on the newsletter.
On our part I could not have done this with out my wifes partnership. Look forward to your suggestions for future issues
and look out for the Year Book its going to be a KILLER. BOB